A large number of factors that are closely linked together are believed to have caused the colony collapse disorder of honey bees.
1. Global Warming
Global warming is causing flowers to bloom much later or earlier than normal. That is a problem when the flowers are intended to be food for the pollinators (which have woken up from hibernation recently) but have already bloomed.
Bee health can also be affected by climate change. It was shown by a Northwestern University study that over 30% of Arizona’s native bees can be wiped out during the first year due to a warmer climate.
The hotter temperatures cause pollinating insects to exceed their physiological limits. The bees are prone to having lower body size and body fat.
Size does matter to these bees, so they are significant changes. The larger the body is, the more likely it will have sufficient stores of energy.
2. Pesticides
Very toxic pesticides are used for killing plant pests. These pesticides are harming honey bees as well. There are a number of pesticides that can be legally used in the United States that are banned to be used in other countries due to the fact that they are harmful to bees.
3. Loss of Habitat
This can be brought on by either the abandonment or development of beekeeping farms. It might also be caused by crops being grown that do not allow enough for wildlife.
Growing gardens that have flowers that are friendly to pollinators can even contribute to the loss of habitat.
4. Parasites
Nasty insects like the bloodthirsty varroa mite (vampire mite) feed on bees. This has led to droves of them dying off.
So in other words, the majority of reasons why honey bees are dying off are caused by humans. So the right thing to do is take full responsibility for this problem and do everything we can to save the honey bees.
What Can We Do To Save The Bees?
Although the bee colony collapse is a serious problem, there are some simple steps that all of us can take that will help to protect honey bees. They also help to promote a world that is more pollinator-friendly for them.
The following are four small things that we can do to really help the bees:
1. Do Not Use Mulch
It is essential to leave some bare ground in your garden or garden. Bees are a solitary type of creature. To raise their young, around 70% of bees dig a nest inside the ground.
In order to do that, female bees will need to search for bare ground and then dig a tunnel. Then they must visit these tunnels numerous times to bring nectar and pollen to feed the young.
When the lawn has mulch on it, the bees will avoid those soils and search elsewhere. You might think this is a problem until you consider how many farmers use mulch these days.
If possible, avoid using mulch so ha bees will be able to raise their young.
2. Avoid Using Chemicals
Numerous pesticides (in particular, neonicotinoids) are linked to harming the ability of bees to reproduce and killing them.
Instead of using toxic chemicals that harm our health and damage the atmosphere, search for plants that repel pests naturally like basil for tomatoes or garlic for aphids.
Ultimately, avoiding using bad ingredients will help to protect and nurture the biome of the soil. This is another way that plants’ immune systems can be kept strong and also attract bees who will return for more.
An even better thing to do is to grow organic food like vegetables and fruit. It is not necessary to use pesticides that will contaminate the seeds and soil.
3. Use Local Honey
Each time you buy local, raw honey, it supports local beekeepers as well as their bees. So why is unheated, raw honey so good?
It is undiluted and unpasteurized which means it is full of antioxidants.
There are also probiotics contained in honey and this can help to improve your gut health. You will receive many necessary enzymes as well.
You can help to save the bees by purchasing local raw honey at the farmer’s market or the grocery store. However, the farmer’s market does have advantages.
It is less likely that you run into adulterated honey at the farmer’s market. This kind of honey contains extra sugars that can be detrimental to your health.
4. Feed the Bees
You can help to save the bees without becoming a bee farmer. You just need to make sure the bees have enough sources of food.
Consider buying some bee-friendly They include flowering plants like shrubs, trees, herbs, and wildflowers.
Some great choices include:
- Dahlia
- Butterfly bush
- Sunflower
- Honeysuckle
- Rhododendron
- Sage
- Lily of the valley
- Strawberry
- Blackberry or raspberry
Not only do these plants provide bees with food, but they also can help to improve the curb appeal of your home.
Note: Also, make sure to give the plants water. You just need a bucket full of clean wae and well as corks.
Bees have an impact on almost all food that we eat. Therefore, it is important to raise honey dippers. We need to find new ways to save bees and provide local pollinators with support.
Spread the word, search for local honey spots, and stop using toxic chemicals that are harmful to bees.